Knowledge Base

Mentions @

What are mentions? They are a way to reference another user in your post. They are created by adding @ at the beginning of the word. In this way, you can find and tag the user in your text. Someone who has been mentioned will get a notification and might see your post. That is why this is a great tool to boost activity on your account.

Mentions for every account are supported only on Twitter. Mentions for Pages are supported on LinkedIn as well.

How to create a mention?

As you can see in the photo below, the first step is opening the “Create post” box. The second one is simply using the “@” sign and the name of the account you want to tag. Put together, they create your mention.

After entering some characters, the list with account suggestions will be displayed. You can choose the one you want to mention.

As you can see in the photo below, the preview of the post displays the applied mention. It will be active on the target social medium.

LinkedIn Pages Mentions

First of all, LinkedIn Pages Mentions work only for pages and not individual users. To create them, you simply type @ at the beginning and then enter the vanity name of the page. In this way, you can find and tag this particular page in your text post. Mentioned pages receive notifications and if their managers are intererested, they simply need to click on the notification to see your post. Hence, mentions can aid in increasing activity on your account.

If you don’t know where to find a vanity name of a LinkedIn Page, look below. It’s simply this particular portion of the URL.

After you schedule the post and it has been published on LinkedIn, the mention will be active and displayed on that platform.