Social media evolve continuously introducing new functions and opportunities. At times, it happens to be quite difficult to keep track of it all. You are going to find a review of the latest news in the world of social media in this article. Even though this is not a comprehensive list, it is going to get you acquainted with the most important changes in popular social networks.
1. Facebook
Newsfeed algorithm Facebook is going to «punish» websites, which are not optimized for mobile devices
Facebook announced about a few changes in the algorithm of the news feed. The most important probably concerns websites rank, which is not optimized for view on mobile devices.Henceforth Facebook will take into account a page download speed at taking a decision about what news to show in the feed above. It is expected that this innovation will make the experience of more than half of the social network users better, entering the site with the help of mobile devices.
Facebook set video autoplay in the feed with a sound
It is quite a big change, taking into consideration the fact that 85% of Facebook users prefer to watch a video in silent mode.
Facebook renewed camera functionality, including the feasibility of creating a GIF-animation and 360-angular photos
There were a few big updates of a camera on Facebook. Swipe to the left in the news feed of a mobile app in order to start broadcasting in real-mode time or to create a GIF-animation and to share the content at once in stories or to send a private message.
Facebook launched a Watch video service of their own
Facebook launched a new Watch video service. Now users are going to be able to do both, to create a video content of their own and to view other people videos let alone to watch TV-series and different shows.A new service will make it to where more people are to go on Facebook in search of entertaining content.
2. Instagram
Instagram launches direct co-broadcasting
Quite soon, Instagram users are going to be able to have direct broadcasting with other users. At that, the screen is going to be dichotomized.After the end of a broadcasting, you will be able to save and later share it in your story. We expect that due to a new function, users interest in direct broadcasting with the aim of their audience to increase will increase too.
Instagram (and Facebook) set a function of tree comment
Instagram and Facebook contributed with a very important change, making the interaction of users with the app significantly easier. This is tree comment function.Now is a user was tagged in the very popular photo, s/he will have no difficulty to find a comment of the right person.
Instagram users are able to edit answers in stories and Direct now
A few months ago, Instagram sounded off a possibility to answer in Direct and stories with the help of a photo and video.In addition, social networks users are able to change the received images and videos combining them with their selfie.Next time you see a photo or a video you would feel like answering, press a miniature in the right upper corner in order to edit with the help of stickers or emoji and add your own half of a selfie.
There is an option to zoom up images on Pinterest
From now on Pinterest users are able to zoom up and to look at any photo in details.It may seem to be senseless to write about such a small change but this change is a reference to other social networks where images play an important role such as Instagram and Facebook. As long as Pinterest becomes a more suitable social network for shopping, it is going to be interesting to observe growing competition.
A chat and option of viewing a video in vertical mode are going to appear in mobile YouTube application
YouTube represented its new look and a logo.Besides that, two big changes, marketing specialists should pay attention to. These are a new function of message exchange in an app. Let alone an option to view a video in vertical mode.A new chat option allows its users to exchange videos they like with friends without going offline.Moreover, YouTube users are going to be able to view videos not in vertical mode only but also in square format. A video is automatically adapted to a mobile device screen, as you can see on Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook. Such formats take the bigger part of a user`s mobile device screen. That keeps them more engaged while a video is going. Marketing specialists should think about making YouTube a platform for spreading one`s video content apart from social networks.
About the author: Melisa Marzett is a marketing specialist and a guest blogger whose current part-time job is writing for Resume Perk Writing Company. Melisa also provides with translating services speaking Russian, German and a bit of French.