Twitter Community — new Facebook Groups Alternative?

September 10, 2021

Twitter announced it's launching Communities — an alternative to Facebook Groups or Reddit, for tweeting with others who share specific interests.

That’s not the first feature that is supposed to help Twitter in competition with other social networks. We all remember Twitter Fleets — which actually had gone away not so long ago. Will Twitter Community share their fate? Or maybe it will be a huge success?

Let’s check what it’s all about.

Imagine tweeting with people who share your thoughts. You contemplate the same things, the discussion flows... That's the reason Twitter launched its new feature: Twitter Community. This feature is created by and for people who share common interests and want to engage in relevant discussions about them.

Twitter Community Announcement

When you join a community you can:

  • tweet directly to the group memebers, instead of "posting" to all your followers
  • join a conversation in the community — only members can do that, to keep it" intimate and relevant". All Community tweets will be visible only inside the group.

Community — Facebook Groups Alternative?

Ok, tweets directly to the group members and conversation visible only for Community members sounds very familiar. What else makes new Twitter feature alternative for Facebook Groups? Admins and moderators with power to accept or remove members and posts.

How to join Twitter Community?

First of all — currently, Twitter Community is available for tests only for iOS and the Internet. The second condition is: a public account. You have one? Great! Than all you need to succeed is an invitation from someone in the Community. As Twitter announced: "For the pilot, everyone who is interested in joining a Community will need to be invited into the Community by a moderator or another member. Once a person becomes a member of a community, they will receive five (5) invitations to invite more members."


How to create a Community on Twitter?

If you would like to create and moderate your own Group, Twitter prepared for you a form — here.

Twitter Community — hot or not? Will you use this feature? Let us know. :)

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