Social Media Strategy for your startup

February 12, 2015

When you start doing your business you can’t just simply ignore social media. Keep it in your head like it’s a “mantra” for your startup. Social media is a low-cost approach for your startup to obtain and analyze information about your product directly from your customerAlso there are several logical reasons which may automatically come to your head, why your startup shpuld start with SM:


a) Search engines will recognize youb) Your competitors who would like to start, will think that they are too late.c) You need audience to raise your money, sales etc.d) You need loyalty from your first clients who is going to be excited about your new product/or servicee) You could be recognized as a specialist on the market.

However there are startups who do not start social media or do not have time for social media or the product which they offer is too complicated and it is hard to find out the way how to present it in social media.

Alright, “everything is figureoutable” this would say a famous influencer and life coach Marie Forleo.

Those are the main steps for your startup social media approach:1. First of all you need to make a research on your audience and your area of business2. Then you need to post in a regular manner, the best solution is to use a professional tool which automates your social media posing, e.q., so “not enough time for SM” won’t be an issue anymore. ;)

For the beginning you can doing social media by yourself. Invest at least! 2-3 hours per week for your social media works: postings, communication with audience, answering questions and making the analysis at the end of the week. Make it your weekly habit.

If you are not creative enough to post super awesome content too often, you can also start sharing some cool links for the web content related to the area of your business.

Reminding ourselves the Customer Development Model goal, we will understand that testing and customers feedback is the key for building cool product or service, however it is not only related to your startup minimum value product development and final product development but also to your social media strategy. Keep on testing your content and obtain feedback from your subscribers, look at what they liked and shared most often, consider and analyze their behavior, comments (negative/positive).

Before you will start your social media campaign keep in mind that there are some common mistakes made by startups:1. You disregard the social media “manners”Which means that you remove negative posts, ask provocative questions, and unfollow those people/brands at the moment when they started following you and your news.2. You do not have any strategyYou need to create a clear goal how you will communicate with your audience, who is it going to be and how you will measure the results. What is the objective of your social media campaign and which goal do you want to reach?3. You do not keep an eye on what your competition is doingDo not underestimate other startups from your area of business, check their social pages learn from them, improve your strategy, this way you will be a step ahead.

Good luck with you startup social media campaign! ;)

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