8 LinkedIn January Post Ideas - What topics will be trending on Linkedin in January?

December 28, 2019

By Jeniffer Broflowski

While you may be still in a festive spirit, you should be slowly starting to plan your content for the following year.Once the fireworks die down and the confetti settles after the New Year's Eve, you will see a massive shift in the mood come January.Why? January is a difficult time for businesses. After the long Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, people have a hard time getting back into working mode. People also go into 'saving mode' after the increased Christmas spending. Thus, activity on LinkedIn is not as intense as in other months of the year, but this does not mean that a creative post will not get the traction you want. A good way to get attention is to ensure that your post plays exactly into the general mood and concerns of this period.Naturally, consumer spending falls in January as people try to get in control of their credit card debt by keeping their shopping to a minimum for a while. Winter blues leads to a decrease in productivity, focus, and motivation not just for people, but also for businesses. Your company has to transition with the right mindset through January Blues too.People need a greater motivational and inspirational boost in January than at any other time of the year. Used correctly, the Internet has the power to give people the inspiration and motivation they need. If you want to increase the number of followers on your online business pages or to attract recruiters to your profile to open up the path to new job opportunities, January is a good time to exercise your creativity and craft attractive posts that will keep people interested in what you have to offer. Read on to discover Linkedin best ideas for writing a post in January - and beat your competitors at the start of the year with our 8 LinkedIn January Post Ideas!

The Best Ideas for Writing LinkedIn Posts in January

Linkedin is all business-oriented and this should give you the main clue of the themes and style you should use in your posts in order to get the right kind of attention. Most people come to LinkedIn looking to promote themselves, their businesses or to seek better job opportunities. LinkedIn profile writing is thus oriented towards these main goals. Your posts should, therefore, be helpful and aim towards these ends too.A basic thing to remember about LinkedIn posts is that posting links may not garner much interest. On the other hand, posting short videos and texts can go a long way when it comes to bringing traffic to your page. Since the idea is to network and create connections, it’s recommended to respond to people who comment on your post, so they feel that their contribution is acknowledged. LinkedIn is a great platform for nurturing relationships with like-minded visionary business owners and top employees, so it’s good to use it strategically.

Let’s dive into the best LinkedIn post ideas for January:

The Harsh Reality of Low January Sales

Acknowledging that January is a slow time for business, it’s not the same as admitting that your business is failing. It’s a simple fact that consumers simply aren’t buying during this time, and realizing that allows everyone to stop taking it as a shortcoming of their business model. There is no reason to ignore the facts. It’s better to bring them into the open and seek a solution.Writing a series of tips on how to combat this period of low sales will encourage people to comment on your post, share their own experiences, brainstorm, and maybe come up with creative ways to move past this hurdle.A good example would be to put a post out on LinkedIn along the lines of: “Low Sales are common in January. I’m thinking of running a two-for-one promotion. What does everyone think?” This is a perfect example of a post that invites response and leads to a productive discussion.

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Linkedin January Post Idea 1: Be Generous

January is a slow month for everyone, so tips on how to improve business are always welcome because they engage people to respond and share their own.By opening up with advice and tips, business owners can create a group model so they can get together and brainstorm. Many case studies have proved that collaboration improves a person’s decision-making skills, and there is always the old saying that two heads are better than one. This is nowhere as true as in business. You could share tips under a title such as: “Use a slow January to look at where your business might be losing money.” People will comment on your tips, but they are also likely to post some of their own. Tips for Saving MoneyEveryone knows that winter is the worst for bills. Whether you’re running a small business or a large company, or you’re working from home for one of the top-rated resume writing services, utilities are a huge expense for the month of January due to the cost of heating. If you want to increase your following and post a great idea that can generate interest on LinkedIn, writing about how to save money with utilities is a no-brainer. Since heating costs are probably among the highest that business owners incur during the winter months, your post with tips and strategies to save on this area will not go unobserved.A good way to kickstart a conversation would be to post something simple such as: “I use a pre-programmed thermostat at the office to lower the heat during the night. Does anyone else have any good tips on saving on heat?” Again, this gives people value and encourages them to contribute with their own ideas.

Linkedin January Post Idea 2: Write About the Reality of January Blues

The official name is winter blues, but since January is right in the middle of it, it’s alright to say that January blues are the most severe winter blues. For businesses, this carries a harsh meaning since this is the time when sales hit the low bottom, and some owners have to rely heavily on creditors to survive through this period. If January is the slowest month of the year, business owners need to find ways of getting through it. Everyone is affected, so it can be a great relief to share struggles and solutions on LinkedIn.

Linkedin January Post Idea 3: Write About Increasing Employees’ Motivation

January blues is a real condition that affects people’s moods on top of other struggles typical of this period of the year such as mounting utility bills. Employees struggle with the increased costs of bills just as business owners, which leads to a decrease in their motivation and productivity.After massive holiday spending especially, employees also have to worry about their credit card bills. January is almost a wake-up call that spending can easily get out of control.An example of how to cover these issues on LinkedIn is to write something like this: “Thinking of having a funny hat day for the employees to cheer them up. Is that a good idea?” This could easily lead to more interesting suggestions.

Linkedin January Post Idea 4: Write About Depression and Unemployment

January isn’t just slow for businesses; it’s also slow for people who browse LinkedIn looking for a new job. This can be a depressing time for those out of work since there are few hirings taking place in this period. Depression and unemployment go hand-in-hand according to research. A good way to spark conversations, find potential employees, collaborators, and clients is to write about these issues. It will encourage people to share their struggles and open up opportunities for new work relationships.If you’re looking for a job, you could post something like this: “I deal with depression when I’m unemployed by going out for a walk. Anyone else?” A confession like this will helps others acknowledge their own struggles and share their tips for fighting off the negative energy.

Linkedin January Post Idea 5: Craft The Unemployment Handbook

Whether you’re a business owner looking to find new employees or an unemployed person hoping for more business owners to look over your profile, writing about unemployment is a great way to drum up interest from your target audience.If January founds you with no job or with a position unfilled in your business, write out tips about finding and keeping employment. The right persons are bound to resonate with your post and gain interest in your offer.Many deal with unemployment by grabbing a beer and watching movies all day, but your time would be better to be spent on engaging others in productive conversations. Just craft your own handbook for the unemployed! A good example of a post would be: “I always go over my resume whenever I’m looking for work to make sure it’s as good as it can be.” Recruiters might feel curious enough to look over your resume and even hit you up with an interview offer.

Linkedin January Post Idea 6: Make up a Holiday!

There are no celebrations in January, which usually affect the morale and productivity of employees.The best way to counter this and renew enthusiasm and motivation is to invent your own celebrations, whether you’re an employee yourself or a business owner. Finding a reason to celebrate in the middle of January may seem forced at first, but it can really raise everyone’s spirits. Sharing this idea on LinkedIn can help others do the same. For example, case studies show that early decorators are happier, so decorating is something that can be done for an office holiday too with great results.Another great tip is to celebrate employees’ or coworkers’ birthdays and make them a big deal for everyone’s enjoyment. Even if you run a remote business such as an essay service, making employees feel connected and appreciated can go a long way in terms of productivity and workflow.An example of LinkedIn posts on this issue could be: “I’m making January 15th Employee Day! What would be a good way to celebrate?” or “I want to make birthdays a bigger thing this month. Anyone have any ideas?”

Linkedin January Post Idea 7: Show Empathy and Care

Storms and slippery road conditions are common in January, with people having real difficulty getting home or to work. Accidents are more likely to happen now than at any other time.Posting about how employees can stay safe is a great way for a business owner to show concern and empathy for his employees.An example of a post could be: “I always remind my employees to drive slow and keep an eye on the road whenever the road conditions are bad.” Other business owners are likely to take you as an example of leadership when demonstrating such concerns.

Linkedin January Post Idea 8: Promote!

Studies have always shown that promotions have a huge marketing value and are very likely to make people want to purchase something.Getting on LinkedIn and asking for original promotional ideas cannot hurt. Ask other entrepreneurs and business leaders what have been their most successful promotional campaigns during January and post some of your own ideas! A good example of a post could be: “What are your best ideas for a promotional campaign in January?”

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About Jennifer Broflowski

Jennifer is a writer with professional expertise in leadership, entrepreneurship and self-development. She knows everything about today’s business environment and loves to share tips, tricks, and strategies.

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