Engaging Content for Social Media Posts - Best Content Ideas for Maximum Engagement

January 13, 2020

👉 This guest post by Bailey Belmont gives you 7 extremely effective social media content ideas to make your content stand out from the host of trite memes and pictures with cats.

1. No need to make a long story short

More and more Internet users are being attracted to blog following. And it is not a surprise, as long posts containing more than 1 000 words are all the rage. However, the matter is not only in traffic which can be generated by the longreads. People are starving for useful content which would be informative and food for thought.

The goal of the blog post is to tell the story of your brand, ensure a sneak peek of the followers to the inner workings, share your own feelings and emotions not in just three sentences but extensively, making the readers a part of your brand and letting them into all the secrets. Of course, such type of posts won’t be appropriate for Twitter or Instagram. But your website blog enriched with such kind of text will definitely bring benefit. And remember, it is not a length that matters but the quality of the piece of writing you are going to publish.

2. News

Your followers would definitely prefer being updated on the latest news of your brand or the related business field. To gather content, make sure you follow the top-notchers of your niche and stay tuned for all the major events. With such an approach, creating a qualitative post will be as easy as ABC. Supported by the witty picture, mem or related catching photo, such posts may have a really impressive effect on the awareness of your brand and contribute much to the audience.

3. Interact

Instagram and Facebook Stories keep holding a leading role in the content management strategy of any business. Showing real life stories is a king on social media and there is no better way to demonstrate it to your followers than through Stories. Go live, make thematic polls with the recent photos on the background, ask questions with the help of special tools, engage users to share their thoughts and comments.

The followers will feel they are important, their opinion matters, and that they are considered a crucial part of a brand. Despite the trend of the long form content, short posts in this case are perfect for today’s society rushing mode and short attention span.



4. Holidays

Your social media content calendar should definitely include the posts dedicated to some important holidays and events. But don’t make it look like simple congratulations wishing all the best to everybody. The world provides you with the unique opportunity to once again remind about your brand, so do use this chance.

Create posts around some special event connecting it to your personality, products or services. Especially when the Internet is just crowded with tools and ideas on how to make your posts as creative as possible. Such type of publication can be shared on any platform. However, if Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram can make it only with the photo, your blog, LinkedIn and Twitter would need some supportive text included. Use it for your own benefits informing the followers about some brand specials dedicated to the holidays, plans for the upcoming year and holiday giveaways.



5. Memes and Gifs

Is it possible to imagine social media content creation without using witty GIFs and amusing memes? Posted individually or as a support for any text, they usually ensure great engagement. As of today, content writers love adding some thematic memes in order to catch an immediate interest of the followers to the publications and make them read the long form articles. It’s a perfect tool for Facebook and Instagram Stories, publications, LinkedIn posts, and Twitter shares. Just spice the meme or GIF up with the spirits of your brand to make it more atmospheric.


6. Video

There is nothing more attention-grabbing for social media content than video format. It ensures immense freedom for creation, so your audience will definitely love it. Film some thematic interviews with famous people from your business niche, introduce your team and showcase your company’s life in order to generate more leads and make new qualified experts join you. You can also create professional short movies for your product introduction, and launch a series of webinars to share your knowledge and experience. Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram with its IGTV are perfect platforms to share your video masterpieces with the world.

7. Raise the curtain

People would love feeling closeness to a brand or a person behind it. Make posts with photos and videos about your team, make your content writer create an inspiring text about how the products are manufactured, who is in charge of that, how these people live, what they like, etc. Such an informal approach will greatly contribute to the awareness of your brand as the followers will feel like people who you trust and will consider you as a brand who can be trusted in turn.


With the fast development of social media content techniques, it becomes harder and harder for the content management experts to entice the audience to read and react to the information. The social networks are oversaturated with varieties of publications. But using the above tips, your social media content strategy will become unique and effective, so get ready to bask in the glory!

Guest post by Bailey Belmont - a Digital Marketing Specialist at Handmade Writing, blog writer and massive coffee imbiber. A true marketing guru, she shares ideas about branding on social media, thereby helping influential companies reach their strategic objectives.

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