The marketing culture has completely changed over the course of the past 20 years. To become successful in the marketing and advertising industry, companies and individuals must begin to adapt and utilize new forms of marketing and advertising. Today, the most utilized and widely recognized form of marketing and advertising is Facebook Advertising. This should not be a shocker when you imagine that nearly 1.8 billion people are using Facebook every single month. [1] If a company wishes to get a product out into the eyes of the world, what a better way than the most widely used social media ever invented.While Facebook Advertising has revolutionized the culture of marketing in the 21st century, many people are constantly making a crucial mistake that ends up wasting hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, when using Facebooks platform. Do you know what the number one mistake is? Improper audience development. While over a billion of people may be using Facebook, through developing the wrong audience, it can become costly. With that being said, let’s not make that mistake ever again. Here, you are going to learn precisely proven tips and tricks to develop a successful Facebook audience and begin driving the sales and leads you desire.[1]
The Most Common Mistakes
When it comes to developing a Facebook audience, many businesses all run into the same problems. In making these mistakes, it completely sabotages the entire marketing campaign and ultimately becomes a waste of money. To better help you out, we are going to share with you a few of the most common mistakes that businesses make so that you can be sure to learn from their lesson.
- Large Audiences
One of the biggest mistakes that many businesses make is the attempt to target as many people as possible. In other words, instead of focusing on their true audience, companies end up focusing on tens of not hundreds of millions of people. The Facebook Marketing system is configured on different algorithms that allows for advertisements to perform at their best when the audiences are defined more specific.
- Non-Fans
Naturally, many companies believe focusing on individuals that are not in fan-base or their like-page is intelligent. The reality is, if you are planning on converting with Facebook Marketing, you are going to want to target your current fan-base. Think about this shocking statistic from Webtrends, when a company targets their fans on Facebook Advertising, the chances of clicking is nearly 700% more than non-fans.[1]
- The Importance of Images and Fans
Everyone has come across a Facebook Ad that has a weak, unattractive, or dull image. While this may seem like common sense to some, thousands of companies pick the wrong images, causing their entire campaign to fail. When you are picking the images for your advertisement campaign, your audience should be at the forefront of your mind.For nearly 100 different case studies that discuss the importance of Facebook images and fans for audiences, check them out![1]
The 4 Steps to Developing a Successful Facebook Audience
The first step towards developing a successful Facebook Audience is to get organized. Now, there are multiple applications and programs available that users can use to get organized. For the sake of developing a Facebook Audience, we found that Microsoft Excel has been the perfect tool. If you plan on using another tool, simply adapt the changes as you see fit.Design a Microsoft Excel file and label it “My Target Audience.” This will make it easier down the line when you are trying to find this document. It’s in this document that you are going to establish who your Facebook Audience is.You are going to want to create FOUR separate tabs labeled: NAME, AGE, OCCUPATION, and LOCATION.
Once the excel sheet is organize, take the time to brainstorm the type of people that will be interested in your product, company, or website. Every single website, product, company – everything, has a very specific audience. This may take time to think about. The goal here is to CREATE a SAMPLE member in your audience. Once you can establish their name, age, occupation, and location, you are ready for the next step.
As we discussed earlier, one of the biggest mistakes that thousands of companies make is creating extremely large audiences. You might think logically this is the smartest way to broadcast your product; however, this is extremely counterproductive to your wallet and budget. Now that we have the name, age, job, and location of a sample audience member, we must get specific! It’s time to really get to know your audience members.This part may take the longest but it is also the most important. Through establishing the following categories, you will know precisely WHO your audience is and HOW to target them.Add FIVE more tabs after LOCATION named: description, hobbies, interests, personality, and picture. Your excel sheet should look a little like this:
Again, take your time on this process. It’s important to consider each category and be as descriptive and detailed as possible. All of this information will be of utter importance when it comes to building the audience on Facebook’s system.
By now, you should have an extremely clear idea of who your target audience is. Now, before you jump onto Facebook and begin uploading your audience, there are two more essential steps! With a clear idea in words of who your audience may be, it’s now time to get cheesy and put a face to the words. There are numerous royalty free stock free websites where you can find images of people that can match your audience.You may be asking, why is this important? Well, through understand what your audience physically looks like and statistically looks like will help you with not only Facebook marketing but also establishing content and images that your audience will pay attention to.For images, check out some of these top-notch
Congratulations, you officially established your FIRST target member in your audience. Would you be shocked if we were to say “that’s not all!” The reality is, you cannot base your entire audience on ONE SAMPLE person. It’s important to establish MULTIPLE target audience members, males and females. It’s now time to GET MORE target members. Rinse and repeat the first three steps but create different personas. Once you have established a wide variety of target members, you are ready and prepared.
Time for Facebook!
With an established target audience, you are one step closer to beginning to attract a successful and lead-worthy audience. It’s important to know, there are multiple facets to establishing a successful Facebook Audience and Advertisement. Today, you merely learn one proven strategy that millions of companies utilize to discover who their audience is.From here, it’s time to prepare high quality Facebook Advertisements, which is the other half of the battle. It’s important to know that marketing with Facebook, or marketing in general, is considered an investment. The goal is to maximum your results given the advertisement and the target audience. This takes research and dedication to mastering the developing of an audience and understanding how to use the power of Facebook advertising.