In this difficult time of the crisis caused by the global pandemic, we need to support our community even more. But posting inspiring content on your social media daily - even when you're feeling, like - meh - doesn't come easy. So - we decided to help you (and by proxy: your audience) and launched a new version of our Social Tips Calendar with ready-to-use posts with:
- motivational quotes 🌱🙏
- helpful advice on working from home 🏡 & other quarantine-related hacks
- engaging questions and CTAs for your audience!
...for every day of the week!
See examples below:
"You Learn More From Failure Than From Success. Don’t Let It Stop You. Failure Builds Character."Let's support each other! Have you created anything for your business? Published a new blog post? Share it below! 👇#WorkingfromHome? If you're feeling overwhelmed by this, here are a few tips you can use: 1. Have a daily routine: get up at the same time every day, get dressed, have breakfast, and sit down to work; 2. Have a dedicated work space: don't work from your bed; 3. Download the Work Mode app or Stay Focused to avoid distractions like social media 4. Set a time for socializing aside: plan a video call with friends for an online coffee.Use postAll you need to do is sign up for our FREE social media scheduler, go to the 'Social Tips Calendar now', select a post you want to use and click the 'Use Post Button':Then, you simply decide when you want to schedule the post as usual!

Let us know if you have any ideas of posts you'd like to add!