Corona Crisis Social Tips Calendar is here!

March 28, 2020

In this difficult time of the crisis caused by the global pandemic, we need to support our community even more. But posting inspiring content on your social media daily - even when you're feeling, like - meh - doesn't come easy. So - we decided to help you (and by proxy: your audience) and launched a new version of our Social Tips Calendar with ready-to-use posts with:

  • motivational quotes 🌱🙏
  • helpful advice on working from home 🏡 & other quarantine-related hacks
  • engaging questions and CTAs for your audience!

...for every day of the week!

See examples below:

"You Learn More From Failure Than From Success. Don’t Let It Stop You. Failure Builds Character."Let's support each other! Have you created anything for your business? Published a new blog post? Share it below! 👇#WorkingfromHome? If you're feeling overwhelmed by this, here are a few tips you can use: 1. Have a daily routine: get up at the same time every day, get dressed, have breakfast, and sit down to work; 2. Have a dedicated work space: don't work from your bed; 3. Download the Work Mode app or Stay Focused to avoid distractions like social media 4. Set a time for socializing aside: plan a video call with friends for an online coffee.Use postAll you need to do is sign up for our FREE social media scheduler, go to the 'Social Tips Calendar now', select a post you want to use and click the 'Use Post Button':Then, you simply decide when you want to schedule the post as usual!

NEW corona social tips calendar2

Let us know if you have any ideas of posts you'd like to add!

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